입트영(2019.08.14) - Beverages / 음료입트영(2019.08.14) - Beverages / 음료
Posted at 2019. 8. 14. 06:51 | Posted in ETC/Gossip[Extra Topics for Study Groups]
2. Do you drink alcohol? If so, do you drink because of the taste, or the atmosphere?
3. Why do you think expensive coffee drinks are so popular?
Talk about the importance of drinking water.
수분 섭취의 중요성에 대해 이야기해 주세요.
[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]
take something in ~을 섭취하다
there's no better way than to ~하는 것이 가장 좋은 방법이다
carry something around ~을 휴대하다
water purifier 정수기
all over the place 곳곳에
sweat heavily 땀을 많이 흘리다
be dehydrated 탈수되다
sense of fatigue 피로감
[Pattern Practice]
■ We need to hydrate our bodies well.
■ I always hydrate myself when I exercise.
■ If you don't stay hydrated, you will get tired easily.
2. there's no better way than to ~하는 것이 가장 좋은 방법이다
■ There's no better way than to drink plenty of water.
■ To get there quickly, there's no better way than to take the subway.
■ To get better, there's no better way than to practice.
3. sweat heavily 땀을 많이 흘리다
■ In the summer, when we sweat heavily, drinking lots of water is especially important.
■ I sweat heavily when I get nervous.
■ I charge often when I work out, because I sweat heavily.
Talk about beverages you like to drink.
즐겨 마시는 음료에 대해 이야기해 주세요.
[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]
brew coffee 커피를 내리다
stop by ~에 들르다
a cup of joe 커피 한 잔
ward off drowsiness 졸음을 방지하다
get one's fill of ~을 충분히 섭취하다
greasy food 기름진 음식
carbonated drink 탄산음료
high in sugar 당분 함량이 높은
[Pattern Practice]
■ I am a sucker for coffee.
■ I don't like sweet foods, but I'm a sucker for chocolate.
■ She's a sucker for exciting action movies.
2. ward off drowsiness 졸음을 방지하다
■ Getting some caffeine this way helps to ward off drowsiness.
■ I sometimes stand up and stretch to ward off drowsiness.
■ The best way to ward off drowsiness is to rest.
3. get one's fill of ~을 충분히 섭취하다
■ Getting one's fill of vitamins seems to prevent tiredness.
■ Everyone got their fill of meat at the restaurant.
■ I got my fill of fresh air when I went camping.
[Expression of the Day]
마지막으로 한 잔 마시자.
A: I had so much fun tonight. We should meet more often.
B: I had fun too. And I really like this bar that you've found.
A: Let's come again next time. It's late. We should go home.
B: Yeah, you're right. Let's have one for the road.
A: 오늘 밤 정말 재미있었어. 우리 좀 더 자주 만나야겠어.
B: 나도 재미있었어. 그리고 네가 찾은 이 술집이 정말 마음에 들어.
A: 다음에도 또 오자. 늦었네. 이제 집에 들어가 봐야겠어.
B: 그래, 네 말이 맞아. 마지막으로 한 잔 마시자.
[Composition Practice]
2. 이 셔츠는 땀을 많이 흘려도 편해. (sweat heavily)
3. 껌을 씹는 것은 졸음을 방지하는 한 방법이다. (ward off drowsiness)
4. 나는 신맛이 나는 사탕을 정말 좋아해. (a sucker for)